Friday, March 25, 2011

CATS Give Us a Taste of Home

Yatta!!! (hooray, you beauty, YES! all of these thrown together and you get Yatta in Japanese.)

And why am I saying Yatta??!! Because Mami and I have just listened to the SEN broadcast of the mighty, unshakeable Cats fighting out a nail biter against the tenacious Saints.

It is so strange shaking a fist in the air with each goal, putting the head in the hands with each stuff-up and then dancing with your wife singing the Geelong song after the Darren Milburn goal. The rest of the family just looked at us with confused smiles, quite sure that we were both barking mad!!

It was nice to have a little bit of 'home' for two hours. Mami, would you believe (and I'm sure all who know Mami well, would easily believe this), tried to get Margaret to turn the computer so the camera was facing the tele in Australia, so we could watch the game on Skype!! Unfortunately the quality was not that good so we listened to SEN instead. The tension at the end was unbelievable.

Mami has ordered me to write about it on the blog so that is what I have done, obedient husband that I am.

Thanks to all those who have written comments. Now I have to keep writing, although I guess Jan P won't be writing too many comments on this post?? Jan??

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