Sunday, January 9, 2011

Why do you work where you work??

Is it because you love that job?
Is it because you get the pay you want?
Is it because you just got the job there?

Yes, all of that, but I realised that I enjoy working there because my friends are there.

Isn’t that great?

I must admit I was feeling I have been there long enough, and it’s time to change a little.
I was unsure if I wanted to come back to the place to work again.
But now I am certain that I am coming back, well coming back to where my friends are.

Some people say you don’t know what is important to you till you lose it.
I didn’t realise I am going to miss my friends that much till I really had to say good bye for 6 months.

I love you all, and I certainly miss you guys!! xoxoxo


  1. Awww Mami! We miss you already. You make sure you come back to us! Hope you're having a great time!

  2. Enjoy your time away Mami - It will go very quick and you will be back before you know it! I'm enjoying reading your blog!
