Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas is over...

I hope your Christmas was a happy time,
And all your preparations worked out fine.
Best wishes for a New Year from both of us here,
May it be filled with laughter and cheer.

We had our family over and enjoyed time together,
Not to hot, it was a perfect weather.
Rob's dad, Maurice, came over for a beautiful lunch,
I counldn't believe how much he can munch!!!
Half a crayfish, prawns and ham,
He ate so much for such a small man.
Now, another big event is over,
Our departing date is getting closer.
Our plane tickets are paid,
And visas arranged.
Mami's counting the days
Much to Tommy's dismay!
...................... 19 Days to go.....................

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Welcome to Rob and Mami's Traveling blog.

Hi, All.

I guess by now most of you know that next year will be a big one for Mami and me. We leave on January 13th for a six month stay in Japan. Mami is taking six months leave without pay and as I am a man of leisure these days I have no problems finding time in my schedule to fit in a trip to Japan.

We are both looking forward to going, especially Mami as she will be able to spend so much time with family and friends. As for me, I will hopefully improve my Japanese language skills to a point where I can attempt some conversation. A big challenge I can assure you!!

Posted by Rob